Archive for February 17, 2010

29 Days of Giving

Lent is starting today and I usually treat it like a new year’s resolution do-over and give up something completely superficial to make my waistline pretty. Like alcohol. Like I am this time. But this time I am ALSO going to start the 29 days of giving thing in conjunction with my lenten pursuits. If I were a supergood Catholic I’d stretch it to 40 days, but I’m not really a supergood Catholic, just a slightly spiritual well-wisher with a penchant for ritual. So it’s 29 days for me.

So! Tina first opened my eyes to the 29 Days of Giving thing through her blog where she chose me to be the recipient of her first day of giving. I was honored and received a swanky Mad Men e-card from her and was thrilled with that until I read her blog and found out that she intended to actually give me  someTHING as well. I can’t promise I’m going to be aweome like Tina and on top of it enough to be giving out gifts to people (my giving will more likely be in the form of hugs and phone calls) but hey – that’s something!

I’ll try to track the course of my wayward generosity here. Day number one should probably go to Tina since I was her No. 1 (score!) but this is going to need a bit more time to ponder so instead, I’ll make a donation to the charity she donated to on day 2 of her giving project (because we all wish we could be as cool as Tina.)

Day No. 1 of giving – donation to Autism Speaks.

February 17, 2010 at 4:15 pm Leave a comment


February 2010